Salmon Quiche

Recipe by Mikel Norwitz <>

Mikel uses fresh salmon instead of canned because I am allergic to canned fish. You can get decent frozen salmon at Trader Joe's but a better bet is fresh boneless fillets from Costco. This tastes way better than with canned fish anyway.

The recipe is a lowcarb adaptation from "First Brunch Salmon" in Out of Our Kitchen
Closets: San Francisco Gay Jewish Cooking
. The filling is mostly the same but the crust is completely different.

The recipe makes 8 slices, each about the size you'd see on your lunch plate at a restaurant that gives small portions. With a salad or some side dishes, it would make a light to medium meal. Otherwise, eat 2 slices.


2 TB cold butter
1/2 cup almonds (walnuts work well too; use slightly less butter)
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp paprika

1 1/4 lbs cooked salmon (it should be undercooked so it doesn't overcook later)
3 eggs
1 cup sour cream
1 cup shredded cheese of your choice
1/4 cup mayonnaise
1/2 tsp cayenne pepper
1/2 tsp dill weed


Put the crust ingredients into a food processor and chop until almonds are in small pieces and ingredients are blended. Put into a pie pan and press it in with your fingers to form an even crust.
Flake the salmon, removing any bones.
Mix the salmon with the eggs, sour cream, cheese, mayonnaise, and spices. Mix well (actually, it tastes better if everything but the salmon is mixed very well and the salmon is left slightly chunky).
Pour into the pie pan.
Bake at 400 degrees for 45 minutes, or until a knife put in the center comes out moist but not wet (the filling will rise as it cooks).
Let it settle before cutting and serving, about 15-30 minutes.
Makes 8 slices

Add 1 TB grated onion to the filling.
Use a 1 lb can of canned salmon instead of 1 1/4 lbs of fresh salmon and add the liquid from the can in the filling mix.

Nutrition Counts:

Entire Pie: One Slice:
Total Carbohydrates: 36.8 4.6
Fiber: 12.8 1.6
Net Carbohydrates: 24 3
Calories: 3293 411.6
Protein: 208.5 26.1
Fat: 259.7 32.5

(posted to 9/28/98)

Cyndi Norman / / Last Modified: 3/1/99

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